Hannah Sensenbrenner Morrow


TULI Manager

Sensenbrenner Photo

Introducing Hannah Sensenbrenner Morrow (she/her/hers), the dedicated Manager of the Tulane University Leadership Institute (TULI). With a heart full of enthusiasm and a passion for empowering others, Hannah spearheads TULI's day-to-day efforts in creating, managing, and coordinating TULI's remarkable professional development programs.

As a natural team player, Hannah thrives on collaborating with her talented colleagues. At TULI, she serves as a professional facilitator, guiding individuals through transformative experiences in programs such as the Emerging Leaders Program, the Anti-Racism Leadership Program, the TULI Coaching Certification Program, and a delightful array of customized workshops. Her secret sauce? A unique blend of leadership expertise, self-awareness, and the magic of teambuilding. Hannah knows how to create a positive, fun, and engaging environment where everyone can grow, connect, and rediscover their awesome potential.

When it comes to superpowers, Hannah is a certified Gallup Strengths Coach and a Certified Emergenetics Associate, armed with powerful tools like the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment and the Emergenetics Profile. Through these workshops, she empowers individuals and teams to uncover their hidden strengths, embrace their thinking preferences, and navigate their behavioral patterns. Hannah's approach is all about uplifting others, and she uses her own strengths—like ideation, activator, achiever, futuristic thinking, and competition—to fuel innovative ideas, kick-start projects, and propel Tulane University forward.

Not content with just professional pursuits, Hannah is also on the brink of completing her Ph.D. in Leadership and Human Resource Development from LSU. However, what truly sets her apart is her ability to infuse her studies with a touch of magic—improv comedy. By embracing risk-taking, thinking on her feet, and fostering a creative learning environment, Hannah brings a sense of joy and excitement to leadership and skill development.

Outside of her professional endeavors, Hannah cherishes the opportunity to spend time with her loyal canine companion, Cowboy, but it's her husband Charlie who truly brings the laughter and playfulness into their lives. With his quick wit and hilarious antics, Charlie keeps their relationship filled with goofiness and joy.

Together, Hannah and Charlie brainstorm and strategize everything from their work schedules to their extensive home garden to their next restaurant adventure in New Orleans. They love bouncing ideas off each other, fueling their creativity, and bringing out the best in one another. Charlie's remarkable talent for conceptual and analytical thinking adds depth and insight to their collaborative endeavors. It's this perfect blend of lightheartedness and thoughtful analysis that makes their partnership so dynamic.



- Doctorate of Philosophy (PdD), Leadership and Human Resource Development, Louisiana State University (May 2024)

- Master of Science (MS), Leadership & Human Resource Development, Louisiana State University

- Master of Science (MS), Recreation, Park, & Tourism Sciences, Texas A&M University

- Bachelor of Science (BS), Psychology, Louisiana State University



- Gallup Certified Strengths Coach

- Certified Emergenetics Associate

- Official Professional Member of the Applied Improvisation Network








Gallup Certified Strenghts Coach












If you have any inquiries or would like to get in touch with Hannah Sensenbrenner, please don't hesitate to contact him at .




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