Theresa Glissman (she/her)

Department Administrator I

Primate TNPRC - Microbiology


Theresa Glissman has been with Tulane University for 21 years. She has worked in the Microbiology Division at the Tulane National Primate Research Center the entire time working her way up to Division Administrator. Theresa is originally from New York and moved to Louisiana in 1998. Eventually her parents, sisters, brother-in-law, and extended family moved here as well. She is married with 5 children (4 boys and 1 girl) and 3 grandchildren (2 girls and 1 boy). Theresa loves animals and has 4 German Shepherds, 2 mixed breed rescues and 1 cat. If she isn't spending time with her family or friends she is reading, horseback riding, baking and/or cooking, or doing cross stitch. Theresa is a member of the EDI Working Group at the Primate Center and Chair of the Micro Morale Committee.

Theresa Glissman headshot